Make sure that the fixtures you are using carry the proper electrical listings

Brian Groat

Many companies today in the market place offer fixtures that do not carry the proper electrical listings.  What does this mean to you?

When a fixture or electrical component is not properly tested by UL (or any other electrical listing entity), this fixture becomes a liability to your company.  No matter which brand of fixtures you are thinking of using, keep in mind the necessity of proper electrical listings.

All projects that are going in the ground today have the right to be inspected.  Even if you are not pulling the proper permits prior to the project being installed inspectors still have the right to inspect your work.  This means if you are installing a project and your local electrical inspector happens to drive by, he will most likely stop to check to see that you have the proper permits and are installing properly listed equipment. This is becoming more and more prevalent due to electrical fires that are occuring from inproper installation techniques and non-listed fixtures (fixtures that are usually imported from China).

proper electrical listings UL Logo

There is just far too much product being sold (from a variety of sources) that does not carry the appropriate listings. You as a professional installer must be certain that the components you are installing are properly inspected and listed. If the lighting fixtures that you are using are not properly listed, you could find yourself in a situation where your insurance is void and you are liable for anything that might happen to the system you have installed. Even if nothing ever happens to the system (safety wise), if your local electrical inspectors find unlisted product being installed they can take action against you.

Be smart!  Use properly listed products and help to protect our industry!  All ClaroLux Landscape Lighting products are UL Listed and meet UL code 1838.