ClaroLux Lighting & Design Award Winner

Each year, ClaroLux’s Dealers submit some of their best work from the year to try and win ClaroLux’s Lighting & Design Award.  We congratulate Joel Mayor and his team with Texas Outdoor Lighting for coming out on top. Joel and his team created a beautiful night-scene using ClaroLux’s WL16-FT-III in-ground LED well lights, BL23-III brass bullet lights, TL24-III moon lights, and Brilliance LED’s strip lights. From the moonlighting effects in the backyard, to the custom core-drilled lights in the driveway, this project had a lot to showcase.

Each and every project from all of the entries that we received had their own unique features but Texas Outdoor Lighting set themselves apart from the rest of the competition with some of their custom work on this particular project.

Congratulations Texas Outdoor Lighting for winning ClaroLux’s Lighting & Design Award! Keep up the great work! To learn more about this project and Texas Outdoor Lighting please visit


View our Gallery of all ClaroLux’s Lighting & Design Awards Winners over the years >